Friday, January 27, 2017

Dunamase Castle Off my List

Have you ever seen something on tv or read about about a place that you absolutely had to add to your own wanderlust list?  Do you ever follow through and actually visit those places?  Like most travel junkies my list of places to visit and sites to see is long and ever expanding.  I consult it when I am planning a trip and sometimes even use that list to determine where I want to visit next.  It is a valuable tool to help travel enthusiasts and wanna-be travellers to keep organized.  I use a simple spreadsheet program to keep mine organized, I also have a bit of an obsession with spreadsheets. 

I recently had the chance to cross one of items off my list.  It was a recent addition that I added after watching "Tales of Irish Castles" on Netflix over the summer.  One of the episodes was focused on Dunamase Castle, a ruin on the edge of Dublin in County Laois, perched atop the Rock of Dunamase at 46 meters (151 feet) above the flat plain where even on an overcast day you can see for kilometres.   
While the castle lays in ruins it is still an excellent example of a Norman Castle dating back to the 12th century.  As a Canadian, where we are celebrating 150 years as a country, it is hard to wrap my head around the age of something built nine centuries ago.  

Designated as a National Monument of Ireland, it is open 24 hours a day to the public and well worth the detour off the N80 for a look around or just add it to your list.  What’s on your wanderlust list?