Sunday, July 28, 2013

Seven months ago when we decided to embark on this trip it seemed like so far away and now it's here, today we leave and will arrive in Belfast tomorrow.  There are only two big things left to do; clean the apartment and pack.  The pile was bigger than I expected, I'll have to pare it down somewhat but it is all essentials, I swear.  I didn't realize how difficult it would be to pack for a trip where it all has to carried with me.

Friday, July 26, 2013

A friend of mine recently posted this on my facebook wall 'While reading 'Round Ireland with a Fridge I came across this quote and I think it suits your forthcoming trip perfectly: "I was beginning to understand how the Irish mentality worked. The more foolish, illogical or surreal one's actions were perceived to be, the wider the arms of hospitality were opened in salutation". So please do something ridiculous on your trip."

I love the idea of visiting a country whose people go out of the way to help those who are foolish, illogical or surreal. I am not sure what I will do which will be ridiculous enough to top the fact that we are hiking the circumference of Northern Ireland.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

T-3 Days

I thought it would be helpful for those of you who are not familiar with the hike to give you some background information.  The hike we are doing circles  Northern Ireland, we start and end in Belfast and will travel in a counter-clockwise direction.  The entire trek is 1000 km; with some sections travelled by public transportation as they are lesser quality  sections.  The actual walking or "quality" sections totals 700 km.  We expect to hike 25 km on average each day.

The trip was inspired by Will Ferguson's book "Beyond Belfast:  A 560 Mile Walk Across Northern Ireland on Sore Feet" with a title like that how could you not take on the challenge?  The trail itself has changed since Will Ferguson hiked it in 2000 but the concept is the same, a walk around the entire region of Northern Ireland. 

Full details and in depth trail descriptions can be found on the official Walk NI website.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

T-4 Days

Only four days to go!  The countdown is on, there is a growing pile of things to take on my couch which seems to be getting bigger by the minute.  All the gear is bought and ready to go, come rain or shine I am ready for anything the weather can throw at us over the course of the 30 days.  Things are also winding up at work with only two more days in the office.  All is well.